This vending machine with its 47-inch touchscreen will blow you away
Vending machines, they aren’t the most exciting things in the world are they? Most machines require you to peer in through the glass front, work out what you want to consume and then enter enough money to purchase the snack or drink of your choice.

If you live in Tokyo (or in Japan for that matter) you may be well acquainted with the vending machines operated by JR East Water Business Co. but for us, the vending machines that this company operate in the JR East stations in Tokyo will quite simply leave you in awe.
The machine itself centres on a huge 47-inch touchscreen panel which will watch you with its cartoon eyes until you walk up to it. Detecting that someone is approaching, the vending machine will switch to the storefront, displaying drinks that are available to buy (it won’t display any beverages not in stock).
Selecting a drink will bring the product into focus, displaying price and a little more information about it – the user can then pay for the drink using cash, using Suica (a prepaid card) or by using your mobile phone.
According to Akihabara News , the machine is able to determine the age and gender of the person using it, suggesting specific drinks for that person. As a result, JR East Water Business has published a press release stating the machines take 3x more sales than other vending machines, apparently the machines are so popular people queue just to interact with them, with people between the ages of 20 and 30 most likely to buy something.
The vending machines, created by design company Design Studio S have proved so popular, JR East Water Business is hoping to roll out 500 of them in the next two years.
Here’s a video of it in action:
Samsung Galaxy Tab: TNW’s first look(s) [Video]
The idea is that if you have two people looking at a device, it’s going to give you a fair, impartial overview. The question of course comes down to whether or not the two people have differing opinions. Adam Mills and I have gone to work putting Verizon’s version of the Galaxy Tab through its first paces, and we’ve come up with our impressions.

Adam’s first thought was that the iPad should watch its back . After booting up the device, does that thought remain the same? Of course, a lot of the issue comes down to price. Is $600 simply too much for the Galaxy Tab? Have a look at our dual first-impressions videos and we’ll be giving you our full reviews soon.
Verizon Samsung Galaxy Tablet – First Impressions from The Next Web on Vimeo .
TNW First Look: Verizon Samsung Galaxy Tab from The Next Web on Vimeo .
Colorware is selling a MacBook Air with a custom-painted twist
Have $1850 laying around? Want to get your hands on a beautiful, customized MacBook Air?

Well, Colorware has just the offer for you.
For just short of two grand, you can get a brand spanking new 2010 13 inch MacBook Air customized to your liking. Unfortunately, as of right now, they don’t have the 11 inch version available and they won’t tailor a MacBook Air already in your possession so you’re stuck with the big screen if you want one.
If you head here , you can check out the absurd amount of customization that Colorware allows you to dabble in. You can choose from metallic, solid or pearl colors and you can add your selections to just about every inch of the device. Options include the Lid, Logo, Screen, Keyboard, Hinge, Bottom, Magic Mouse, and Superdrive. By the end, you’ll get something that is truly personalized and hopefully, beautiful.
Here’s one we made using Thanksgiving colors.
Or you can get truly ridiculous:
So what are you waiting for?
Head over to their website and let the inner artist in you run wild.
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